These terms and conditions describe in detail the process for the registration and purchase of tickets for Re:Think:Analytics or any other related events and the attendance at the events organized by the said entity, either online or offline.
Re:Think:Analytics reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time. Every change in terms and conditions will be announced and highlighted on the website. Applicable from 01.09. 2020.
1. Definitions
Agreement: refers to the agreement between you and Re:Think:Analytics referring to the purchase of a ticket and/or the registration for Re:Think:Analytics , including these Terms & Conditions.
Ticket: the document that serves as an admission ticket for Re:Think:Analytics, including electronic formats.
Website: The Re:Think:Analytics website: rethinkanalytics.ro
Data Revolt Agency
CIF: 33630541
Reg. com.: J40/11216/2014
Address: Str. Budila, Nr.12, Camera 1, Et.3, Ap.3a4, Sector 2,
Bucharest/ Tel: 0752751051/ email: hello(@)datarevolt.agency
Data Revolt Agency is the official organizer of the Re:Think:Analytics, Romanian registered company, headquartered in Bucharest, 90 Eminescu, 7th Floor.
You: means every legal entity or natural person that enters into an agreement with Re:Think:Analytics by purchasing a Ticket and/or registration for an Event.
2. Terms and Conditions
2.1. Deviations from these Terms and Conditions shall only apply when agreed in writing between You and Re:Think:Analytics. The applicability of any of your purchasing or other general terms and conditions are expressly rejected, unless agreed otherwise by Re:Think:Analytics in writing. By purchasing a Ticket or registering for an Event You agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
2.2. Re:Think:Analytics has provided You with these Terms and Conditions before concluding the Agreement. The Terms and Conditions can be consulted via the Website: rethinkanalytics.ro
3. Declaration of Consent
I hereby give my consent for Re:Think:Analytics to collect, process and use my personal data for the purposes of processing the purchase of my ticket and for any other use to which I have consented, including the importation of contact information for which I have provided my explicit prior consent.
4. Conclusion of Agreement
By clicking the button “Order Confirmation” and introducing a Payment method option, you will complete the Ticket Purchasing Process on the Website. Therefore, you conclude an agreement with Re:Think:Analytics for the purchase of a Ticket. Therefore, it is necessary that You have filled in all necessary fields on the order form and have accepted these Terms and Conditions. You hereby give your consent for the mandatory and voluntary data collected from you in the course of purchasing and for registering for tickets sold by Re:Think:Analytics, via its agreed ticketing partner, OveIt or any other ticketing platform, used for this purpose solely.
If the data entered on the order form is not correct or Re:Think:Analytics has doubt about the validity or correctness of the data, Re:Think:Analytics may contact You with the help of the data entered by You.
If Re:Think:Analytics cannot reach You and thus cannot verify the data, Re:Think:Analytics may cancel the reservation.
You further give your permission for your user account details to be stored. You acknowledge that You may provide Re:Think:Analytics a reasonable timeframe to remove your details at any time that you no longer wish them to be stored. You acknowledge and accept that your data will be used for commercial purposes in accordance with this Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice and will be retained and stored for this purpose. Should you wish your data to be removed you must request Re:Think:Analytics to do so in writing. Requests will be processed within a 30-day period.
Requests can be emailed to hello(@)rethinkanalytics.ro or addressed to: Re:Think:Analytics Executive Director, 90 Eminescu Street, 7th floor, Sector 1, Bucharest.
5. Tickets policy
You cannot resell a ticket. Doing so will void the ticket and the ticket holder will not be permitted entry into the event.
All tickets must be assigned to an attendee, and all attendee details must be 100% complete within 30 days of receipt of your ticket, but no later than 5 days prior to the event dates. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes name, job title, company name e-mail address and phone number. Ticket reassignment after this date is prohibited.
If you have secured a complimentary ticket but have already bought a ticket, you are not eligible for a refund.
5.1 Delivery Policy
Once a successful purchase transaction has been completed, tickets are delivered in electronic soft-copy via email to the email address nominated by the purchaser. The ticket acts as a receipt for the transaction and can be used to redeem entry at the event listed on the ticket. Please note that the confirmation e-mail can be in your spam or maybe blocked by a spam filter You use. You must pay the registration fee prior to the start of the Event at the venue. Re:Think:Analytics can ask for on the spot online payment in case the value of the access has not been paid before the date of the event. When you register a Ticket and choose the ‘order by bank transfer’ option, you’ll be obliged to pay the invoice within fifteen (15) days of the invoice date, but no later than five (5) days prior to the Event.
You are advised to save the confirmation e-mail carefully and if you have not received the confirmation e-mail within 24 (twenty-four) hours to contact Re:Think:Analytics team, via E-mail: hello(@)rethinkanalytics.ro, Facebook messenger: facebook.com/Re:Think:Analytics
5.2. Refund and Cancellation Policy
All purchases of tickets for conferences and events are non-refundable in their entirety after the 30 day cooling off period. Any Refund Processed is subject to the corresponding transaction fee (according to bank official fees/ taxes/charges). Your ticket remains the property of Re:Think:Analytics and is a personal revocable license, which may be withdrawn, and admission refused at any time upon a refund of the printed registration price.
The tickets purchased are for your own personal use or that of your business only and may not be resold under any circumstances, including but not limited to use as part of any promotion or competition, unless such mechanism has been approved by Re:Think:Analytics or is part of an agreed and signed partnership with Re:Think:Analytics. Where there has been any resale or attempted resale of any tickets (or any other breach of this term), we reserve the right to cancel the relevant tickets with immediate effect.
Re:Think:Analytics will not be responsible for any tickets that are lost or stolen. The unauthorized use of photographic and recording equipment at events and conferences is prohibited. You consent to film and sound recording as attendees at any event or conference. You bare the risk of loss, theft, misappropriation or damage of the Ticket after Re:Think:Analytics has sent the confirmation e-mail with the Ticket.
Re:Think:Analytics will not be liable for the granting of any visas that are required to attend any event or conference. Invitations to serve this purpose may be issued upon request (email hello(@)rethinkanalytics.ro) but shall not feature any official seal/ stamp/ affidavit from the corresponding authorities.
Name changes will be facilitated free of charge. No name changes will be facilitated 5 working days prior to the commencement of the event and the ticket price will be forfeited.
For questions about registration or assistance with any registration problems, please contact us at hello(@)rethinkanalytics.ro
6. General Event Policy
Re:Think:Analytics is not responsible for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of substitution, alteration, cancellation or postponement of an Event. In the case of an unexpected incident or force majeure, Re:Think:Analytics reserves the right to make changes to the date and time for all parts of the Event at least one (1) week prior to the Event. In the case of rescheduling of an Event, You may return your Ticket(s) before a deadline set by Re:Think:Analytics, however, preferably immediately after the announcement of the new Event date. After the deadline has expired, Re:Think:Analytics will not be obligated to reimburse any registration fees.
Re:Think:Analytics reserves the right to make changes to the Events at a date less than one week before the Event if there is a justified reason to do so, such as unexpected problem with the venue, or if a speaker is prevented from participating. Please note that while speakers and topics are confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of Re:Think:Analytics may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such, Re:Think:Analytics reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary without any liability to You whatsoever.
Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on the Re:Think:Analytics Website as soon as possible.Re:Think:Analytics maintains a Code of Conduct applicable to all attendees of an Event, including You. This Code of Conduct forms an integral part of these Terms and Conditions. The Code of Conduct can be accessed by clicking on the following link: rethinkanalytics.ro/insights/code-of-conduct/
Aforementioned Code of Conduct is also available at the Event venue at the Re:Think:Analytics information desk. Re:Think:Analytics preserves the right to refuse Your admission to the Event for any behavior Re:Think:Analytics deems unacceptable, or if You breach the Code of Conduct or breach any of the Terms and Conditions.
7. Age Limit
If You are under the age of 18 You are not allowed to visit the Event venue before, during or after an Event, unless permission is provided by Re:Think:Analytics under the conditions set by Re:Think:Analytics.
8. Intellectual Property
The possession of a Ticket or admission to an Event does not grant you permission to use any intellectual property, including logo, website, trademark or any other proprietary right of Re:Think:Analytics or any third party, such as other guests or speakers at an Event.
9. Coverning Law & Disputes
The Agreement between You and Re:Think:Analytics, these Terms and Conditions, the Data Protection Declaration and Privacy Notice are exclusively governed by the Romanian law. Any dispute arising from the Agreement, these Terms and Conditions or the Data Protection Declaration and Privacy Notice will be submitted to the competent Romanian Courts.