Hello @Anett NUMA


Hi there, data enthusiast 💡

Anett will be live at 2:10 PM, on october 15, on ReThinkAnalytics.ro.
You can follow and learn more about her here @anettnuma

Estonia is considered the most digitised country in the world and nothing was just happening. Find out how to reshape the landscape of decision making based on collected data, directly from Anett Numa, Digital Transformation Adviser for e-Estonia Briefing Centre.

Her goal as a Speaker at the e-Estonia Briefing Centre is to explain the Estonian digitalisation experience and thus inspire leaders and decision-makers alike to create a better tomorrow.

Meet with Anett on October 15th, next week, at 2.10PM EEST, and find out more about the topic 📷

Thank you for being here and you already know the drill, we’ll be live next week, on October 15th, with RobertJim and Claudiu.

Together with you, we Re:Think the future of business, with data.

Thanks a bunch.

Binili învinge!
Thanks to Radio Guerrilla

About the author


Copywriter and content writer for almost 10 years. Brand storyteller that turns brands into both visual and narrative experiences. Event executive for Re:Think:Analytics, turning ideas into live broadcasts, for the moment.

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Copywriter and content writer for almost 10 years. Brand storyteller that turns brands into both visual and narrative experiences. Event executive for Re:Think:Analytics, turning ideas into live broadcasts, for the moment.

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We can only promise that this is a place where you will find the information you were looking for but didn’t quite know you did. Let’s re:think the future with data.